Image information analyzer and automatic Collage Creator

September, 2021

Developed a python program which takes random frames from a video as input and sorts them based on their color and edge information to return a collage which displays the frames arranged in a clockwise order, starting from the largest one.

For sorting the images, their brightness, edges detected and the contrast/color variation in the image are considered as follows :

  • Brightness : The mean of intensity values are calculated for each of R,G,B and an average for the 3 colors is taken.
  • Edges : Canny Edge detection is applied to obtain an edge map. In the edge map (1 bit image), a measure of the number of white pixels is taken. (fraction: no. of white pixels/ total pixels)
  • Contrast : The contrast for the image has been calculated as the standard deviation of the pixel intensities for each color R,B,G (which are then averaged).
Sorting is done on the basis of image information value computed as a product of the above 3 parameters.

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